Background Checks/Due Diligence
You have intentions to enter a partnership with a person or company and want to know their credentials and if there is anything adverse being reported on them. You plan to hire a person for a managerial post and want to know his or her credibility.
Intellectual Property Crimes
Counterfeit Product
Parallel Imports
Undercover Operations
You realised that some items have gone missing in your company for a period of time. You want to know who the culprit is. You have been losing tender opportunities and you suspect that one of your employees is sabotaging the company.
Surveillance on Employees
Your sales figures for the month have been dipping. You suspect your employee of skiving or pocketing the commission for him of herself. Or you suspect your employee of selling information on your products.
Does any of these situations sound familiar to you? Call 63395170 / 63392447 now and we will assist you to uncover the truth.